This was our Hotel for this stay, the inside is nice and has two large enclosed atriums. This is a nice spot. We meant to catch a Mavericks basketball game our meeting ran late and we were we ended up at a place next to the American Airlines Center. This place is right next Hooters and looks just like Hooters but the food is worse and all the younger folks are even more immature than the standard Hooter posse. These younger folks kept throwing wads of paper at each other in the dining room. I say young...but they were at least 21 years old! I was fearing that a food fight would erupt and I would have to send my suit to europe for another special process dry-cleaning in order to remove the imitation buffalo wing sauce mixed with beer and saliva! So we left...went next door to the real Hooters and just as expected...3 out of 5 of the patrons at our "Chorro" (try your spanish/english translation software on THAT word) and the other person has since developed symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome! As for myself I was unaffected because I'm pimpin' like like! Good luck! Jorge Bueno
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Jorge at the Hilton Anatole Dallas, TX.
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
8:56 PM
Jorge at Dealey Plaza Dallas, TX.
Here you go...I had to take these typical tourist pictures that everyone needs to have in their albums...yes...we even purchased the $5 dollar souvenir newspaper describing in fuull detail conspiracies of the assasination of John F. Kennedy on that street. Pretty can learn more by reading on WIKIPEDIA CLICK HERE!
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
8:35 PM
Jorge at Signature Flight Support
This picture was taken at Signature Flight Support at Dallas Love Field. They are a provider of services for private jets and other private plane flights, they have awesome facilities...check out their website by CLICKING HERE! We had just landed in Dallas and stayed for 7 days. Our towncar was a little delayed so we went into freshen up and grab a snack at the upstairs food area. The cool thing is that they have their own executive terminal across the runway from the regular commercial you don't have to take your shoes off or wait in long lines or deal with rude folks or security staff. Oh yeah...about flying in private jets....Marshall Sylver said it best, "Yes! You can keep your tray table down during take-off and landing!" Here in Dallas for a conference, to look at land to develop, a large office building, and also to walk through one apartment building before actually purchasing it. I really enjoy time we will visit the Stockyards Rodeo in Ft Worth for sure! Here is a Link for THE STOCKYARDS! Jorge Bueno
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
8:01 PM
Alan Cowgill and Jorge Bueno
Here we are are at a recent event in Dallas, Texas! Mr Alan Cowgill is a very well known speaker and real estate investor. He is best known for his strategies on private lending and how he forms strategic equity partnerships for residential as well as commercial real estate ventures. Much respect for this gentleman! Check him out! See you, Jorge Bueno
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
7:48 PM
Shirley Q Liquor - Jorge Bueno & Titanic!
Jorge Bueno Singer Songwriter Audio Blog! #3
Gabcast! Jorge Bueno Singer Songwriter Audio Blog! #3
I hope you enjoy this post. Click PLAY Button on the player to Listen me laugh during Shirley Q's narration and synopsis of the blockbuster movie "Titanic!" Shirley Q, does this to the main instumental theme of the film. Have fun! To visit her Official Site CLICK HERE! Jorge Bueno.
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
5:04 PM
Wicked The Musical in Hollywood, CA.
Here are some pictures taken at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, California when we went to see Wicked The Musical. We were invited guests for a preview night a few days before the main opening night. Awesome performance! Visit the show's Official Website by CLICKING HERE! See you later, Jorge Bueno.
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
12:59 PM
Monday, March 26, 2007
Wicked's Elphaba, Eden Espinosa and Jorge Bueno!
Meet Elphaba, the Wicked Witch from the Musical "Wicked!" This is Eden Espinosa and she is a very very awesome and genuine woman....she also has some fantastic vocal skills. Youtube her name and check out some of her video performances! She is currently performing the role at Elphaba at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA. Go see it! Click on the picture to make it larger...notice the green nail polish! Jorge Bueno!
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
4:49 PM
Labels: Broadway Singers, Brooklyn, Eden Espinosa, Elphaba, Hollywood, The Pantages, Wicked The Musical
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Jorge in La Jolla, CA.
Here I am in La Jolla, CA. We ate at a whole bunch of restaurants while we stayed here. I expected to see some major bling bling while we strolled the streets...but naw...the nicest car we saw was a 360 Ferrari Spider...and that's an old least 3 years old. Maybe folks in that area like to keep a low profile? I guess so. I guess I used to Los Angeles....where even the folks that are barely making it are driving at least a 3 series BMW. Some people seem to think that their car dictates who they are to the world. Some guys even think that they can get hottter girls with a nice car. I'd hate to be with a girl that thinks that maximum success having a Mercedes or a Tricked out Lexus. I need someone who can at least shoot for the Maybach. Or another real luxury car. Wait! What am I talking about...anyone who makes a judgement call or prejudges you on your not worth your time! Do you agree? Jorge Bueno
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
8:04 PM
The Coronado Yacht Club
While in San Diego, we spent a day in Coronado Island and at The Coronado Yacht Club. They have a nice club but it's small...they have major history there and it's across the street for the Hotel Del Coronado. You can't fit large boats here. It's mainly 20 to 50 footers. Very nice people here. True Yachtsmen and Sailers here. Check out their Official Website CLICK HERE!
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
7:38 PM
Jorge The Scholar!
These shots were takin in the upstairs library inside the San Diego Yacht Club and YES that is a pink tie! Did you ever think that you would catch a Mariachi Dude in the Library? Here you go, this is proof that I do read. Is that book upside down? The truth is that I really love to read...but I adore books on CD. Because I can listen while driving or while at the gym. I don't get into fiction much...instead I'm really into biographies and knowledge and educational driven material. You can find me at Border's Books or at Barnes and Noble at least twice a week! I really enjoy the atmosphere there. Jorge Bueno
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
7:25 PM
San Diego Yacht Club!
Here is my picture diary of our stay at the San Diego Yacht Club. Ok, well not quite a broad range of pictures but a set of five that were taken within 5 minutes time and in a hurry. The reason being is that I still feel awkward when people see that I'm taking pictures all over the place. Even though we are part of the "in" crowd there and we arrrive by boat talk boats, sleep on the boat or yacht! I must have some kind of past life paranoia of blending in. We were probably on the sexiest and slickest vessel there (except for a large Ferretti) we're getting massive amounts of attention...and I guess the culture dictates that I'm not supposed to show to much charisma...I'm supposed to be beyond getting excited about being at a members only compound filled with Million plus dollar vessels. This is a place that has men walking around dropping money out of their pockets and ladies walking around in very expensive but not expensive looking dresses. They fashionable sunglasses that cover the top half of their faces, and large hats! I feel like telling them, "Psst...hey're blocking out all the sun, didn't you come here to get some sun?" They wear large jewlery and diamonds that can easily serve as beacons and refract the sunlight in case of a shipwreck! There is an awesome clubhouse with an excellent restaurant and great food. You should visit it if you get the chance! Here is their WEBSITE! CLICK HERE! Jorge Bueno
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
6:59 PM
Jorge in San Diego!
I don't always wear a suit to the beach. On this day I had finished speaking at a conference and we decided to head out to Seaport Village and the Strand. Originally we were gonna take pictures of only the sunset. But I kept on putting myself in the shots. For those of you that are hardcore fans of nature...I have a solution if you don't want me in these pics. First off...take you thumb....and press it over me and against your computer monitor and enjoy the sunset. The rest of you....look at the background and notice the surveillance going on by the immigration department as they get ready to bust a move. But don't worry nothing happened...I run really fast...! Jorge Bueno
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
6:53 PM
Jorge at Hometown Buffet!
Hometown Buffet in Burbank, California! The people in there we NOT the most cultured people in the world. I almost got into a fight because I made a random comment at the food, a normal looking pretty woman laughed at what I said, but apparently her boyfriend didn't think I was funny...he also wasn't amused at the fact that HIS girl laughs at my jokes and not at he kept staring at me the entire time. Looking at me with the kind of frowning stare that you might employ while analyzing a certain piece of art at a museum that you didn't want to go to in the first place! On the other hand his girfriend stared at me as if she were saying, "Wow, you are way better than my loser every way!" Over near the ghetto buffet line a lady almost knocked over an older woman when they replenished the fish sticks! Anyway...look at THIS picture! What does that remind you of? Chocolate ice cream? Yes, there is corn in there...along with some bacon bits! Pretty nasty. Eewww! Jorge Bueno
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
12:56 PM
Jorge and The Triton!
Check this Yacht out! It's documented as "Triton," these pictures were taken after it was docked in Long Beach Harbor. On one of the looks as though the helicopter has landed on my head! You see that? The owners get fined everytime the helicopter lands while it's berthed here....the city says that it's unsafe to land here and that the wind damages the trees and blows up trash all over the place. We spoke to crew and apparently the owners pay the fine and consider it somewhat of a valet parking the tune of $10,000 every time they get caught! The vessel is 164 feet long, it cost the owners over $25 Million to build & costs roughly $7 Million dollars a year just to keep it maintained and to pay the crew. This is a true Pimp-Mobile! Look at three pages of interior pics HERE! Also look at the builders website Delta Marine HERE! So long! I'm gonna call Delta and put one of these suckers on Lay-away! Jorge Bueno
Posted by
Jorge Bueno
11:55 AM