Hello Everybody!
I recieved some e-mails and I said that I would reply in blog form, so here it is:
Pictures? Yes, Thanks for your interest! I have tons of pictures coming, I'll upload some here and the rest will be viewable online by links.
Rowing? I row a Mass 1X Single Scull, 27ft long and a little over 12 inches wide. I'm out of Marina Del Rey, CA. Usually alone with my Mp3 player, but there is a large rowing community in the Marina. Yeah, it's usually still dark in the mornings when I begin. Sometimes when I feel lazy, I just imagine myself out there while I'm still in bed wrapped up in blankets.
School? I gots a bachelors equivalent and I went to Biz School! Woo-Hoo, but I ain't use the designations for work, so it's cool. It's all good in the hood. Most of my acadamia inspired collegues all claim to have Shi**y jobs anyway. I run into other Alums from time to time and they all seem to hate what they're doing but justify it for the sake of remaing in thier comfort zones and not sacrificing their steady paycheck. Yeah, being comfortable is dangerous if you secretely want more.
Work-Money? Yes, I agree, that The Federal Reserve, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund, and the other financial institutions have us all in an awkward situation!Hmm? Federal Resreve, a private company printing money for pennies on the dollar, loaning it to our treasury at face value plus interest and putting it into circulation for us to work so hard for. Our currency is not really backed by silver or gold like it used to be anymore. Yeah it sucks, but we would need another financial system in place. Barter system? Any ideas?
Jorge Bueno