Monday, June 09, 2008

Barry Manilow and Gas Prices?

Hey everyone, Have you heard the popular Barry Manilow song "Mandy?" I love that song by the way. Here is a picture of the ad for the show in the Las Vegas Hilton lobby. If you happen to be a REAL fan...go ahead and buy his WATER that I heard is complete with private label with his name and even a teaspoon of his saliva! No, just playing. What about the high gas prices? That is an easy fix! Just go out and make more money and there, no reason to complain. Ok, now there is a dude named "Berry Manilow" and he made a video about high gas prices and the oil industry, but he sang it to the tune of "Mandy." You gotta check this out it is informative and interesting. Pay close attention to the amount of money that the chairman made when he retired from Exxon! Here it is CLICK HERE! Or just play it below, have fun, Jorge Bueno.

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